Is the Black Church Becoming A Target? : LUSENET : A.M.E. Today Discussion : One Thread |
I have read numerous articles recently regarding the HIV/AIDS epidemic among young black gay males. In every article, they say that the "attitude" of the "Black Church" is a contributing factor. Is the black church becoming a target of HIV/AIDS activists?Blessings,
Pastor Paris
-- Anonymous, June 20, 2001
Pastor Paris, Please explain how these articles site the black church. I would like to respond, but need more information. Then too Pastor Paris, is this any different than other media tactics designed to destroy the black community? The black church has been the pillar of morals/leadership for the community for years. The articles I've read about HIV/AIDS has been about the large priest population of the Catholic church.
-- Anonymous, June 20, 2001
Most of these are secular articles. They say things like: "The Black church has its head in the sand denying that HIV/AIDS exist in the Black Community; The black church is in denial, therefore the gay, young, black males are not aware of the dangers of HIV/AIDS. They usally conclude that it is the responsibility of the Black Church to teach AIDS/HIV prevention. We are so "conservative' that we refuse to recognize that homosexuals exist in the black community and therefore don't teach/talk about AIDS/HIV enough.Blessings
Pastor Paris
-- Anonymous, June 20, 2001
I am organizing a Brooklyn Coalition for Pastoral Care for those who are suffering from the HIV/AIDS virus. I am having difficulty finding churches to come on board and to receive training and provide these services. It is true that some of the Black churches are not dealing with the issue. They want to deny that homosexuality exists in the community and they deny that this disease is hitting the "straight" community. We have an epidemic in our comunities of color and the Black Church is silent. When it hits the Pastors family or the head deacons family, then they will wake up. What would Jesus do?
-- Anonymous, June 20, 2001
Thanks...I don't agree with the media about many issues effecting the Afrikan community, including AIDS/HIVS. Pastor Paris, I think there is a problem with sexuality in the church period.
-- Anonymous, June 21, 2001
You will note the content of Rev. Rogers comments. What she is doing is to be commended, however she should cast stones at those who are not called to the same task. The black church has more important ministries than the HIV/AIDS crisis. HIV/AIDS is a behaviour problem rather than a spiritual problem. If the gay community were to reject homosexual acts, AIDS would disappear in one or two generations.Blessings
Pastor Paris
-- Anonymous, June 21, 2001
This is an answer to Rev. Paris. HIV/AIDS is not only a gay disease. The clients that I deal with are mostly women, children, seniors of the heterosexual world. That is the problem. Some Black people think this is a "gay" disease. Also we have people in our communities of color who are gay and bisexual. They dont come out as we are mostly homophobic. We have to start embracing people who are ill regardless of their sexual orientation and lifestyle. It is not how you got the disease but what can we do to eradicate it. I believe by education, prevention and offering support to those who have the HIV/AIDS virus and their families. It affects all of us. As christians, we have a mandate to care for those who are sick. Jesus said, " come unto me all of ye who are heavy-laden". He didnt say that everybody could come except those who have the virus. He did say "everybody". Please read the stats, Rev. Paris on who has the virus in the black community.
-- Anonymous, June 21, 2001
Rev. Rogers,Let me commend you on the work you are doing. Let me also say that I believe you are quite right in your summation of the situation at hand. It is quite an easy thing to bash, put down and abase those persons whose situations and experiences, for one reason or another, might be different from our own. It is unfortunate, indeed, when persons who do so are those who proclaim that Jesus is Lord and are called by the name of Christ.
As I have said on other occasions, I truly believe that Saint Paul is once again calling us as a people of God to repent. For we all know that the answer for every situation can be found in the Word of God. Thus, I quote from Romans 10:13-15. "For WHOSOEVER shall call upon the name of the Lord SHALL be saved. HOW then shall they call on him in whom they have NOT believed? and HOW shall they believe in him of whom they have NOT HEARD? and HOW shall they HEAR WITHOUT A PREACHER? And how shall they preach, except they BE SENT? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of PEACE, and bring GLAD TIDINGS OF GOOD THINGS!"
-- Anonymous, June 21, 2001