28mm 1:2.8 New FD jammed up.

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Canon FD : One Thread

Recently acquired a Canon 28mm lens, the New FD type with the push-button on the mount ring. It refuses to mount, and I cannot even get a dust cap to fit onto it. Aperture ring moves, but nothing else appears to. Any idea's on what I can do? I have other push-button lenses, and I can see immediately that it doesn't look right from the back.

Many thanks, Roisin.

-- Roisin (ioliite@hotmail.com), June 18, 2001


Is the mount either partially or fully in the mounted position? If the two red dots are not aligned (and perhaps the lens release button is extended), push the release button and turn the inside of the mount (with the levers) counter-clockwise until it clicks. If that was all that was wrong, you're in business.

-- Alan Swartz (swartz@tyler.net), June 18, 2001.

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