Mamiya back on Arca? : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread |
Before I get an Arca, so highly recommended by many, can anyone relate their experiences of using the Arca rear-standard converter 5x4 to 6x9 and/or the Mamiya RZ filmback adaptor? I need to decide whether to fit International RF backs to an F-line 5x4, or use the format converter and my Mamiya backs.
-- Anthony Harrison (, June 18, 2001
i don't know about film back on arca just an information about arca, they actually move to france, and they have very good price ! Arca-Swiss International SARL 29, quartier de l'europe espace valentin FR-25048 Besançon 00 33 381 85 40 60 fax 00 33 381 85 40 69 email: arca-swiss@swissonline.chno web site as far as i know
-- dg (, June 21, 2001.