Pre-1906 Location of 1015 Dolores St. : LUSENET : San Francisco History : One Thread

In 1906 my grandfather was living at 1015 Dolores St. "between 23rd and 24th streets". The structure was destroyed in the earthquake and fire. I understand that streets and adresses were sometimes radically changed as the city rebuilt. How do I find the modern day location of the 1015 Dolores St. of 1906? Thanks.

-- David Enas (, June 17, 2001


I went through the same thing trying to find the location of my great- grandfather's store before the 1906 'quake. I used the Sanborne insurance maps at the San Francisco History Center at the main library. These maps show every strucuture on every block in the City, complete with then-current addresses. The only problem is that the pre-1906 maps are on microfilm, making them a bit hard to read on a microfilm reader.

-- John Martini (, June 18, 2001.

That block of Dolores was not substantially damaged in the fire of 1906. In fact the houses currently at 1010 and at 1027 were built in the 1880s. Not sure about 1015 Dolores but 1017 dolores was built in 1980 and might include the lot for former 1015.

Good Luck on your research.

Kurt Iversem

-- Kurt Iversen (, June 18, 2001.

Just checked another source. The building at 1017 Dolores was built in 1933 and remodeled in the 1980s and does seem to include the lot for 1015.

Kurt Iversen

-- Kurt Iversen (, June 18, 2001.

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