treatment for coccidiosis : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

hello everyone,Another silly question.what would be the treatment to prevent coccidiosis? have new babys 5 days old.would i use di-methox and valbazen? im confused.I want to make sure i worm them.They are pygmy's.Thanks a bunch

-- lori (, June 17, 2001


With Sheep you can prevent with medicated food. I have had it once and I do not buy medicated food. If you get a case or another way of prevention is corrid, I drench the lamb and it was fine. You can put so much corrid or summet (sp) in the drinking water. Now some will tell you that as long as your place is sanitary you will not get coccidiosis. The time I had a problem, was on new straw and very clean. I couldn't believe so I took a sample to the vet and sure enough. Now it didn't take much for the lamb to make it and no others in the group got it, so...maybe there is something to being a santary barn...

-- Debbie (, June 17, 2001.

Valbazen is a wormer and you really don't worm kids until 3 weeks. We use 8cc per 100 pounds orally with Valbazen. Dimethox is the same ingredients as Albon one of the many sulfa's for cocci, bacterial pnemonia etc. A trick on mixing it is to mix it with 1 cup of water, a much greater concentration than is on the bag, then all you have to dose per kid is 7cc per 100 pounds for day 1. For days 2, 3, 4, and 5 you use half that at 3.5cc per 100 pounds. Very easy to give considering at 3 weeks your kids will be weighing very little. You also can't overdose on sulfa's like this. Keep refridgerated and shake it very well before using a syringe to pull the med. You can put it straight into the mouth or in their bottle once a day. Drinking water prevention is very tricky in goats since anything that flavors the water, unless it is very sweet they will simply not drink! We worm and cocci all our kids starting at 3 weeks, and every 3 weeks after that until very well grown, or consuming a pound per day of feed that contains a cocci med. Contrary to the information in a magazine, babies are not born with cocci or worms. Takes about 21 days for the lifecylce of worms and cocci (well most) so druging before hand is a little heavy handed. That coming from the prevention medication queen!! Vicki

-- Vicki McGaugh TX (, June 17, 2001.

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