Food Processor : LUSENET : Beyond the Sidewalks : One Thread

After I had my cabbage picked and washed , I got my food processer out and remembered the bowl had a piece broken off, which causes lots of trouble getting it to work, nothing you'd want to start shedding cabbage for sauerkraut with. Ok here's my question, this food processer is a cuisenart brand and works very good and the motor runs good, a new bowl is 29.95 if that's all I need the whole assembly is 89.95. This is the only food processor I've ever used and know it's a very good brand( got at a garage sale for 8.00 new, deal huh) Should I go to Wally world and just buy another food processor or invest in the parts to fix mine. Sherry

-- Anonymous, June 15, 2001


If you think it works well, I always vote for fixing something. A bowl seems to be fairly easily replaced. You might even check eBay and see if anyone is trying to sell one!

-- Anonymous, June 15, 2001


Try this website for parts: http://www.totalvac. com/cuisinartparts.htm

Good luck!

-- Anonymous, June 15, 2001

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