Anyone in Ontario Canada? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Just curious as to where in Ontario... I do see some messages from those on the east coast of Canada.

cheers from Windsor,

-- Max (, June 15, 2001


I am I am!!!We kive in Fisherville,near Lkae erie,One hour south of Hamilton.Where are you?

-- teri (, June 15, 2001.

Hey Max. We're in a small town on the Trans Canada Hwy. about 1 hour west of Sudbury, just off the north shore of Lake Huron. Hope you're breathing ok down there in Windsor. That darn smog problem has stretched right up here to north of the Sault and Sudbury areas. Sore throats for all up here today, and who knows where that humidex reading's gonna' hit top. Last night's 9 pm reading put it at 35 celsius for us. Highly unusual for us at this time of the year. Starting to think I live in Georgia...

-- Rheba (, June 15, 2001.

I've not heard of Fisherville... I did manage to get to Oshwekan (sp) last year for a bit and Turkey Point before heading north.

Smog down here is very bad with high temps. Weather has been wacky... went from winter like conditions to summer like conditions. Not much spring. I enjoy the Sudbury area (I think everyone has a photo of themselves at the nickel)... and especially enjoy Ontario's North where the landscape begins to depart from the flat empty fields of Southern Ontario.


-- Max (, June 15, 2001.

Me,,,Me! I am just around the corner, just north of Wallaceburg. We are just heading away for the weekend, but email me next week and we can chat. We are on 7acres, with milk goats, chickens for meat and eggs, and usually a large garden but this year I am not doing very well with it.

-- MarciB (, June 15, 2001.

Max, hi from the smogbelt,we are on 25 acres between Cambridge and Dundas. I really enjoy this heat, finally we will have tomatoes by mid July we're on our second series of lettuce and the cantalopes/cucumbers are starting to set fruit. The smog we can do without.

-- Harald(Ont) (, June 15, 2001.

Marci!...where is wallaceburg?

-- teri (, June 15, 2001.

Since Marci is away... Wallaceburg is just north-east from the top of Lake St. Clair... very close to the the U.S. border... I'm guessing 45 minutes south of Sarnia.

In that area is a little town called Brigden... anyone know if there is a steam show there this year?


-- Max (, June 16, 2001.

I'm away east of you, north of Kingston. Hubby has a farm northwest of Toronto in the middle of farm country, a wee village with the appropriate name of Holstein.

-- Chelsea (, June 18, 2001.

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