Should we have a WWE-Web page? : LUSENET : orienteer kansas : One Thread |
The Wallenborg Wild East comming up in a month. Are there any intrest in having a web page for the event?
-- Magnus Wallenborg (, June 13, 2001
A web page would be a great idea.One possibility would be to use and use as a host. Blogger can be set to give editing/posting access to several different people. Blogspot is free -- always an important consideration.
Another possibility would be to have a special section of the OK forum devoted to Wallenborgs Wild East. I could do that pretty easily (all I'd really need to do is create a new category to put all the WWE messages in).
Magnus, take a look at and (you might also check out Mary's blogspot home page which is
-- Michael (, June 14, 2001.
The WWE 2001 web page is now posted at
-- King of Lunsen (, June 14, 2001.
-- Michael (, June 14, 2001.
Can others post to the website, or just the "king"?
-- Mary (, June 14, 2001.
I think this was a bogus question. Clearly the King had already made up his mind that, yes, dammit, there will be a WWE web page. All Hail the King! Long live the King!
-- Swampfox (, June 19, 2001.