WUSA on TNT commercial URL

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Aeon Flux : One Thread

Here's the URL for the WUSA commercial, it's pretty cool.


-- James (fullautophx@yahoo.com), June 12, 2001


What is the WUSA commercial, btw??

-- Barb e (Suesuesbeo9@cs.com), June 16, 2001.

Is there any reason you can think of that it's not working for me. I've even tried going to the tnt page and navigating from there, but all I end up with are some live action spots.

-- pixi (pixiness@yahoo.com), June 14, 2001.

Odd, it was there when I posted that, now it seems to be gone.

-- James (fullautophx@yahoo.com), June 15, 2001.

Peter Chung did the character design for the women's professinal soccer league, where the players turn from live action to animated heroes. It's a commercial for the games on TNT. It was on their site, now it's gone. Search a little farther down the forum to see Peter's comments on it.

-- James (fullautophx@yahoo.com), June 16, 2001.

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