Online vacation to the Grand Canyon with Mr. : LUSENET : Beyond the Sidewalks : One Thread |
Since I have been stuck inside today and spending a lot of time online, I wanted to share with you some interesting travelogue stuff about the Grand Canyon. Phil Greenspun (who runs the LUSENET that we use for our forum right here) has an interesting side show of a trip that he took to the Grand Canyon. Here's the link:
Since Mr. S. and I are making our fourth river trip there in a few weeks, I am surfing around and looking for links online. If you have a few moments (it takes a while to download...100+ pics, etc.) it's kind of a fun break. Today with it so wet outside, the desert looks especially great!
Anyone else have any links to vacation spots that they like?
-- Anonymous, June 11, 2001
Sheepish- thanks for making this post. Yuppie Boyfriend and I are talking about a trip to the Grand Canyon this summer. He will be here tomorrow so I will be sure to show him the pics. Please keep us posted on any other good info you run across.
-- Anonymous, June 11, 2001
Here's another link. Click on the pics to make them bigger!
-- Anonymous, June 12, 2001
hmmm. scroll down to the bottom and click on "photo gallery." I guess I'm just link-impaired!
-- Anonymous, June 12, 2001
Sheepish, we are planning on going to the Grand Canyon this summer to celebrate our 20th wedding anniversary, and plan on traveling there on the Harley if my butt can take it, and we can get the "critter sitter" for that long!Are there any especially wonderful areas that you like to visit there, or places there we should NOT miss? We have driven right by there 20 or 30 times in the semi truck, but have never had the time to stop and visit and be "tourists"!!!
Thanks for the weblink!!!
-- Anonymous, June 13, 2001
Hi Annie! Congrats on the 20th Anniversary! Anyone who can ride a Harley that far can stay married that long, I guess!I don't know too much about what goes on in "rim world," although we will find out some this time...spending two nights at Grand Canyon Village before we hike down. Mostly I've seen G.C. only by small fixed wing aircraft, rafts, or on foot. Maybe Jorga can give us her two cents since she lives in canyon country?
I really want to go to the Navajo Nation. As someone who has sheep, I have always been interested in their weavings. My grandparents used to live in the White Mountains in AZ (not in Navaho land) and they collected some rugs which I now have. Having done a small measure of weaving in college (and pretty poorly, too!) I have a lot of respect for their weaving. Mr. S. has a "navajo" loom for weaving horse blankets, none of which have ever been completed. (!) Anyway, I'm rambling...I also want to investigate Zuni and Hopi jewelry. Bottom line, I love the Southwest! I guess anywhere in AZ, NM, or UT and I'm there. Oh yeah, also s.w. CO!
B/c I live in the wet, I love the desert. I also live in the woods, so I love the big open sky. While I live surrounded by green, I relish the red rocks of the desert. The only thing in common with these contrasts is a river, I guess! The life blood, as it were.
I think visiting any National Park in Utah would be a great adjunct to the Grand Canyon, if you have time. Zion is awesome, but then so's Bryce, etc. On a Harley it would be an interesting ride!
Have fun, no matter what you do! That's what vacations are about, eh?
-- Anonymous, June 13, 2001