Sure pays to be a good neighbor. : LUSENET : Beyond the Sidewalks : One Thread

I just wanted to mention the bonanza I lucked into. We have six and a half acres of pasture land and since we don't use it and have no interest in haying it, we let our neighbor's three horses graze it which allows them to rest their own pastures. Also, once or twice a year the neighbors go away and ask us to keep the water trough filled with water (pump right there). I was out talking to the neighbor and getting the key to their house so I could bring in the mail when she said, oh by the way, the peas are coming in now and since we won't be back in time to pick them help yourself. Yippeee! I will be out there picking my little heart out and freezing them because the woodchuck has managed to lunch on mine before the plants are even six inches high. I was lamenting the fact that I wouldn't have any peas when I fell into this kind offer. She has quite a few pea plants so I should get a nice little haul.

-- Anonymous, June 10, 2001


Does that make you a little ol' pea picker? ;-)

-- Anonymous, June 10, 2001

Bless your "pea-pickin" heart!!

-- Anonymous, June 10, 2001

Perky Colleen picked a peck of perfect peas,

a peck of perfect peas Perky Colleen picked,

she peeled the pea pods into a pan on the porch,

and she put the popped pretty peas in a pot.

-- Anonymous, June 11, 2001

Cindy, that is hilarious. The only thing is you need to change the line about putting the peas in the pot to something like, "Perky Colleen pushed the plump peas into her pursed lips until there wasn't a pea left to pop." I ate the first batch without waiting until they were cooked. Love those fresh snap peas on a hot summer day. I did let hubby have a few though. I'll be going out later this week to harvest the bigger batch for freezing.

-- Anonymous, June 11, 2001

I've always found that my life is better when I give to others. Even when I've been dirt poor, I've done what I could; and I honestly believe that it is the reason that I've always had a good life. Hubby has always been very poor and had to watch his nickles and dimes - it used to kill him to watch me blithely toss a dollar in every Sallie kettle I saw, give away produce I could have sold or sneak $10 to a friend of Jes's so she could go to the movies with them. I explained the philosophy of mizpah (selfless giving without expectation of return) to him over and over. I think he's finally getting it - he stopped on the way out of Wally-World the other day and handed a guy with a looking for work sign five bucks and told him to grab some supper on us; the guy told him "God Bless You"; and John repeated what he has heard me say many times over - "Thank-you, he already has."

-- Anonymous, June 11, 2001

I couldnt agree with you more, Polly!

Keep the energy flowing, be it money or love.......keep it always gets around back to you whether you expect it or not...If ya hold on tight to either one, both get constipated!

-- Anonymous, June 11, 2001

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