Pentecost : LUSENET : A.M.E. Today Discussion : One Thread

This past sunday June 3rd was Pentecost. The birth of the Holy Spirit. It was a powerful Sunday for us in our church for we are a new church and we definitely feel the Holy Spirit in our church. One of the themes I preached about was unity in the church. For when the Holy Spirit came into the upper room all who were there could understand one another in their own languages. There was unity. We have a wonderful opportunity to focus on Unity within our denomination. What are some of the things that we can do as the body of Christ? It is easy to point out what is wrong, let's lift up some solutions also.

-- Anonymous, June 05, 2001


Rev. Rogers,

UNITY must truly be the theme, which the Holy Spirit wants us to hear. For, in my message to the Youth on last Sunday, I told them about the Tower of Babel; whose architect history tells us was a Black man named Nimrod.

In light of all the negative things we sometimes hear about Black folk, the first point I wanted them to remember was that Nimrod was Black and the Bible says he was mighty. The second point I wanted them to remember is that God said that because the people were united and in one accord NOTHING would be impossible unto them. However, because they sought to do things without God, He confused their language. Following this I told them about the Miracle of Pentecost (the 50th Day) in which the Holy Spirit was given to all believers and now, for the past two thousand years, we all (believers) have Him.

On the Day of Pentecost the believers were all in one accord. The Miracle was that the believers, who spoke one language, began boldly to spread the Gospel and all who heard understood, even if they spoke another language.

Finally, I told them that we often ask why God doesn't do something about drive by shooting and drugs in our communities. The Miracle of Pentecost is that He already has. Like Luke Skywalker in the movie "Starwars", the Force is with us. That Force being the Holy Spirit. He still speaks to all people in a language, which they can understand. It is now time to stop our babbling like infants and to come together in UNITY, on one accord. If we submit to Him (The Holy Spirit), we too can tell the Good News and all will hear in his/her own language even if the words which they say are "Gutenmorgen", "Bonjour, Buonas díaz, or "Yo, blood, 'Sappin' slim"!

-- Anonymous, June 05, 2001

Rev. Rogers,

I absolutely love the question that you posed about the Holy Spirit!!! As far as I am concerned, we can't hear enough about the Holy Spirit. I found Robert Matthews comments to be most inspirational and also timely. I wish that he had submitted a longer response because I was enjoying his comments. Mr. Matthews, are you a minister and will there be a continuation of your post about the Holy Spirit?


-- Anonymous, June 06, 2001

One of the things that made Methodism so unique was John Wesley's the founder of the Methodist denomination on the role of the Holy Spirit in our lives. I am happy that you are excited about the Holy Spirit Jazzman for we as Christians have tremendous POWER because of the Holy spirit! We as christians have tremendous power for transformation and renewal, Our God loves us so much that he gave us his only begotten son and the Holy Spirit. It brings me to my knees when I think of what God has done for us. He has not taken any of these gifts from us, even when we turn away from him! To get up every day and to know that God is waiting to take care of us, that Jesus will protect us and the Holy Spirit will guide us, should give us joy, and a single purpose. And that purpose is to spread the "good news!" My sermon title on Pentecost was "It's Holy Spirit Time!" and that is a mantra to repeat over and over. The unity of the church has to be one of our main goals as christians for when we are united we are building the kingdom of Jesus Christ.

-- Anonymous, June 06, 2001

Rev. Rogers, I love "It's Holy Spirit Time". It sounds like God moved in miraculous ways. And that is just the beginning. It's always a trickle down effect. It's contagious. This is where unity begins. When we become so excited about what the Holy Spirit is doing in our lives, that it just flows through us. It reminds me of this sign I use to see all of the time. "Keep smiling people will wonder what you are up to." It's is indeed "Holy Spirit Time." Let's keep living, people will wonder what we are up to.

I also wanted to say the post from Matthew was very informing and uplifting.

In Christ, Carmen

-- Anonymous, June 06, 2001

The word remarkable is an understatement,AMAZING,AWESOMEcomes little closer.Last Sunday we started the day off with the sermon "Are you fillied with the holy Spirit ?" The evening my congregation hosted the joint district(Lansdowne) Closing Service. It was AWESOME ,entering the building the presence of the Holy Spirit could be felt.Everyone was on fire. Comments that was made after the service included "every day we want pentecost",we worshipped like never before.For my congregation many of the songs and MO is normal but outsiders stood stund,amazed and I am sure that the tongues of fire fell. My members that was present can't stop talking. Yes, a miracle happened,people want more.the members of my congregation stood in unity for the first time in a long time. Because my ministry is strongly Bible based they could not see the vision, but after that service they have received sight PRAISE GOD. i GIVE ALL GLORY AND HONOUR TO OUR ALMIGHTY GOD. for the Processional girls danced with ribbons sybolising the Holy Spirit,to the song HOLY SPIRIT RAIN DOWN.God is faithful and the Holy Spirit rained down ,THANK YOU JESUS

-- Anonymous, June 09, 2001

Rev. Ursula, I love hearing about your church and the dance with ribbons wow! Our church was also moved. For it was also communion sunday and the last ten minutes of the service we turned the lights off and had a huge red candle burning to symbolize the coming of the Holy Spirit, it was a memorable Sunday. For it was Holy Spirit inspired! It is such a joy to be a part of a denomination that celebrates the Holy Spirit. I pray we will continue to focus on UNITY within the church and continue evangelism as the Holy Spirit and the apostles have taught us!

-- Anonymous, June 09, 2001

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