Chicken was attacked by dogs, what is best to put on cuts? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Other the the possibility of this hen dying of shock, there are a few bite marks on the hen's back. One a puncture (looks deep), one has a flap of skin about the size of a half dollar hanging (see fat tissue and meat but doesn't look too bad). I rinsed it out with just water, not knowing what was best or okay for chickens. I will also need to put a topping on that flies will not be able to get through.

Any help will be appreciated. She is confined. Thanks

PS The neighbor was horrified and offered to pay for a vet.

-- Dee (, June 03, 2001


I would try cleaning it with peroxide and then packing in some antibiotic ointment. Then apply some" Vicks "vabor medicine, just to keep her and others from pecking at it, they don't like the smell. Hope this helps, and I would keep her seperate and warm for a few days.

-- Kelle in MT. (, June 03, 2001.

This happened to us a few weeks ago, but not as serious. We fed her some crushed garlic, it has some antibacterial properties. Our was very "winded" and we thought since the dog didn't kill her, she would probably die of exhaustion or heart failure. The next day she was up and around, minus all but 1 tail feather.

-- (, June 03, 2001.

When this happened to one of my chickens, I put neosporin ointment on her, and then followed up with a real sticky bag balm that kept everything kind of glued together. She is doing fine now. Good luck

-- ann zavala (, June 03, 2001.

Okay, I poured on peroxide and dried it. Then I tried to put on triple antibiotic cream but it just slid all around (yuck) without sticking to anything. I was hoping to get something to dry it out so the flies will stay out of it. Any other suggestions?

By the way, she's up and eating. She also almost got away from me a few times so she is doing well, it's just those maggots I'm worried about now.

-- Dee (, June 03, 2001.

If the initial wound is dirty I pour a plentitude of peroxide in to boil it out but only for the initial cleaning.

If it's a small wound some triple antibiotic ointment will suffice.

If it's a large wound I use the blue lotion from the feed store whose name just now fled out of my memory but they should know what you mean if you ask. Come to think of it, I'm out. Need to go get some more myself. If you can't get that they also sell a wound dusting powder which is primarily sulfa based. Some Vick's VapoRub on top will deter the other hens from pecking at the wound. They can be pretty viscious that way.

Just had to bury two young pullets due to an integration attempt gone badly wrong. Still angry with myself about that.


-- Live Oak (, June 04, 2001.

Since someone has already suggested triple antibiotic cream.....Bacitracin (available at drug stores, Wal-Mart, etc.) works well, also.

Keep the hen away from the flock until she heals or the flock will peck her to death. They heal best in a darkened, quiet area. A dog carrier works well or a cage you can cover.

-- ~Rogo (, June 05, 2001.

We had one of our dogs attack our chickens just last year at this time. We lost a bunch, but my son's favorite and 'pet' Clarabelle had her whole back ripped open. Just a big gaping hunk of skin missing, and you could see her back and the joint where her leg joined at her back. We didn't use peroxide, but did use the triple antibiotic ointment around the edges. There just wasn't enough to 'medicate' on her. The edges dried up, and I was worried if she'd EVER grow any new skin there. I did try putting vaseline around the edges. We just kept her in here in a bunny cage, and let her out everyday to roam in the 'house'. (We live in a 1 room morton bldg. with a cement floor, so this is not as big a deal as a real house, altho son had to take care of her droppings which everyone notified him of immediately.) I knew nothing about chickens and spent more time praying than anything else. She grew new skin, feathers, and healed wonderfully. Then we put her out with the other hens and they picked on her, and a rooster tore her side up mating with her. So back in she came, same proceedure, some antibiotic ointment, lots of prayers, and she's fine! We let them free range now, and started taking her in at nite to the chicken house, and there's no fighting, or anything and she's happy. Altho she's been bringing a few of the other girls in to show them around sometimes, which oldest daughter lets them know that is NOT a good thing....It seems that once they survive the shock, they can pretty well make it if you'll keep them from the rest of the flock.

-- Louise Whitley (, June 06, 2001.

When we had a chicken attacked by a dog (our little poodle who now has a new home), I put Neosporin on the wounds, and kept the chicken in my bathroom until it was healed.I tried to put guaze bandages on it, but well..she didn't like it. So, I just kept it clean and kept her in a box with packing paper and put her in the tub several times a day to get a drink and eat. She did great! I knew she was feeling better when she tried to get a drink out of the toilet and fell in. I moved her outside, then as she got older..we realized she was a rooster. Oh,well, a very nice rooster at least! :-)


-- Cindy in Ok (, June 08, 2001.

Well, looks like everyone just about said the same thing, sorry about the repeat. One of my children was reading the posts and clicked reply, then came and told me someone needed my help. :-) I didn't go back and read the posts until I sent the reply. I hope all works out well for your chicken!!


-- Cindy in Ok (, June 08, 2001.

We have a duck that was badly hurt by a neighbor's dog. After cleaning the wound I put on triple antibiotic ointment. To keep it clean it needed a bandage, but I couldn't keep one on her. Our vet suggested a length of nylon stocking with holes for her feet. It worked beautifully. She's doing great now - laying eggs & hatching out ducklings.

-- Bonnie (, June 09, 2001.

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