Request for Sample RFP's for Art Projects : LUSENET : Public Art : One Thread

I am writing up the RFP for a large mobile/hanging sculpture for the entrance area of our new library building, and would like to know if anyone out there has gone through a similar project without a consultant, how they developed the RFP, put the jury together, if you have any lessons you learned you would like to share.

If anyone could forward a copy of their RFP as a WORD or other WP software attachment, I would really appreciate it.

Thanks in advance.

Veronica Bielat

-- Veronica Bielat (, May 29, 2001


We haven't, but would be interested in wha tyou found out as we are looking at doing a design competition for small public space sculpture.

Kate Lucey Hamilton New York

-- Kate Lucey (, February 17, 2002.

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