It had been five month what do you think of President Bush now? : LUSENET : A.M.E. Today Discussion : One Thread

President Bush has been in office for five months, do you think he is doing a good job?

-- Anonymous, May 28, 2001


I think that he is doing quite well. I shudder to think where we would be if Gore had won.

On the domestic front he has avoided bailing California out from there self inflicted energy problems. We will not have to pay for there foolishness. He has taken aim at abortion, passed his tax cut, and moved us a step back from environmental extremism. He is also moving in a measured thoughtful way toward improving education, not letting the NEA dictate to him. He is also undoing many of the last minute actions of the evil Bill Clinton.

In foreign relations he handles China very well and is letting our left wing European allies know they do not call the shots until they have respectable militaries. People who mooch off our forces should not dictate the agenda. He deals from a position of strength.

On the military he is doing careful study before moving. He is locking out the generals and admirals with there agendas and is using visionary thinkers to come up with a revolutionary plan for the future. Most of the ideas are way above my head and I am in no position to judge the little he has let be known but I cringe when I think of Al Gore reshaping our military. I trust Bush to do it well.

As for the general tone again he is wonderful. He makes places for and welcomes Christians. He has brought honor back to the office and our nation the opinions of the left here and abroad not withstanding.

In Christ, Nathan Paujo

-- Anonymous, May 28, 2001

President Bush is doing a sorry job as far as I am concerned. A devote materialistic who is hell bent on destroying the enivornment, forcing his limited morals (and I use that word loosely) on the US, and sending this country into WAR. In four short months he managed to have one his OWN senators leave the party...for among other things his refusal to support the education of disabled children. Increased arensic in water---what is a "safe level of arensic?".

The man is an accident waiting to happen. I heard his speech at Yale in which he made the following crack that a "C" student could become president. I saw no humor in his statement. Let's reward stupidity by making him the president of the US!

In Love and Light, Brenda

-- Anonymous, May 29, 2001

He is performing his job like a manager-trainee. One can only rely upon a speech writing staff and consultants for so long. When is he going to project the image that he is in control? I am a Democrat but I want Mr. Bush to be a good President. I disagree with you Nathan on California's energy crisis being their problem. California's energy crisis is our problem because silicon valley is a major driving force in our technology driven economy. I would rather see him push for federal aid to bail out this state of 35 million people than send our tax dollars overseas or divert it to an anti- missile system which has already been shown not to work.


-- Anonymous, May 29, 2001

President Bush is doing a wonderful job. Our great country now can hold its head high and not kow-tow to other countries. Our military is now supported and will not be used as the world's policeman. He did a wonderful job as govorner of Texas and even bettter as President. He keeps on task and does not allow public opinion to decide what is his policy.

The contrast in opinion is interesting however.


Pastor Paris

-- Anonymous, May 29, 2001

Pastor Paris,

Surf the net and read other newspapers, they so not share the same affinity for President Bush as some Americans do. Although Clinton had an affair, many countries don't share the same hypocritical sexual attitude. Some of them provide concubines for their leaders’ huge sexual appetites. They place value on scholarship, something President Bush sufficiently LACKS! President Clinton was a SCHOLAR and other countries respected him.

Bush is making a mess of things. I wait for him to be a good leader. A man of his word. “A uniter, no a divider.” Thus far, he has failed.

Nathan, you mention environmental extremes…well if the water is polluted, animals killed, the ecological system unbalanced, life itself will no longer exist.

In Love and Light, Brenda

-- Anonymous, May 29, 2001

Do you approve of concubines for leaders.

In Christ, Nathan Paujo

-- Anonymous, May 29, 2001

You will note that Clinton is not so popular abroad now that he is no longer on Air Force 1. He was pelted with eggs last week. You know. I just can't understand why bor-again believers can condone the way Clinton has behaved all of his adult life. The has the morals of an alley cant and the cat ought to be insulted, and yet, most of my people, including Christians will make excuses for him. Then a man is elected who is trying to obey God, and he is vilified. My, My, MY


Pastor Paris


Pastor Paris

-- Anonymous, May 29, 2001

First let me say I have yet to be impressed by anything this administration has done. It has gone very much the way I feared it would go. Secondly, I am a Democrat who voted both for Bill Clinton and Al Gore and would not hesitate to do so again. To answer any questions as to how this could be, let me simply say that both of them are children of God for whom the blood Christ availed, as it also did for me. They each are given His unconditional Love. The same is true of George W. Bush even thought I am still uncertain by what methods he gained his present position.

As one who has accepted Christ in my life as the only Lord and Savior, I have no choice but believe His words, "He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone,.".Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more."

My Bible says, "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus: Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God." To paraphrase Romans: 6:23--"For your sins you deserve to die; But God GIVES you instead, eternal life."

People who live in glass houses are "sho nuff" in trouble when they go down the street throwing stones. By Jesus' own authority we are told, "If ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses."

Finally He has said, "A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another; By this shall ALL men KNOW that ye are MY disciples, if ye have love one to another."

How do I define LOVE--simply this--Love is not recreating another in our own image, but rather seeing the image which God has created and saying Amen! "God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him."

"They Will Know We Are Christians By Our Love!"

-- Anonymous, May 30, 2001

"Do you approve of concubines for leaders."

No, I do not. I am saying that other countries do no place the same value on sex as this country. Lying, abusing your body (overeating, drinking, smoking), stealing, killing (including plant and animal life) is just as sinful as sexual relations.

-- Anonymous, May 30, 2001

Robert That was a very good statement you made. Hope everyone observed it.

-- Anonymous, May 30, 2001

I fail to understand how President Bush "is trying to do Gods Will"

I believe Presiden Bush is a decent and honorable man. I disagree with many of his political policies but that is a seperate issue. He says he is a Christian. I accept that. Former President Clinton said he was a Christian ...I accept that also. Neither are perfect but then neither am I. All of us are in need of God's mercy and grace on a daily basis. Former President Clinton confessed his moral failure (albeit reluctantly at first) and sought out spiritual counsel from a number of Pastors on a regular basis from across the political and theological spectrum. By all accounts that I have read from those who participated in this process, he seem to be serious about the process. I do not believe that Bill Clinton is any more, or any less, reprehensible a man in God's sight then George Bush or Mike Barta or any of the readers of this discussion board.

What I DO take serious issue with is this practice of equating the Republician Agenda with God's Agenda. George Bush's agenda is a political less. Whether you agree with it or not, let us not confuse it with God's agenda.If Christ were to return and walk the streets of America today, I doubt that he would be comfotable identifying himslf as either a democrat or a republican.

Yours in the Joy of Jesus, pastor mike

-- Anonymous, May 31, 2001

Pastor Mike:

You opine, "President Bush's agenda is not God's Agenda but a political agenda". Thou speakest the truth with conviction and courage. Our political leaders are always committed to advancing a particular program not necessarily with God's imprimatur.QED

-- Anonymous, June 01, 2001

Rev. Barta,

I agree with your observations about Mr. Bush's agenda. I would like to know where is the evidence that this man is a christian. Does he begin his cabinet meetings with prayer? I have not heard him mention the name of Jesus Christ or God. Shouldn't he boldly declare that he relies upon Jesus Christ in his decision making as President. In a nation that has as its motto " In God We Trust" and supposedly a christian majority but yet won't allow prayer in its schools, we need our so called christian leaders to stand-up and be heard.


-- Anonymous, June 01, 2001

I was reading today of the opinion some people overseas have of the President. One complaint is "fundamentalist Christians" have too much influence. Those who are complaining the most - Russia, China, North Korea, and the post-Christian nations of western Europe. We need to remember that todays leaders in western Europe grew up as part of the left wing anti nuclear movement of the 70s and 80s - soul mates of Clinton and Gore. The weapons they protested are what put the Soviet Union over the edge. There main complaint is we do not consult with them. That really means we do not allow them to run us.

Keep in mind what allowing them too much say can lead to. Britain submits herself now to there European congress which ruled Britain must allow homosexuals into her military. In spite of the opposition of the British government and military the were obligated to submit by treaty. That is what they want to do with us too.

Who is complaining and what they are complaining about tells me we are on the right track even if there are some mis steps. Remember the anti Christ will seek to rule a one world government and most Bible scholars expect it to come from Europe.

In Christ, Nathan Paujo

-- Anonymous, June 01, 2001

Christ said that we will know them by their works. Each man's works will identify him to others. BUT, Christ said also that if the eye is bad, one would see only bad. That explains why no one can see good in any thing that President Bush does.

President Clinton identified himself clearly by his work in the oval office and most of the nation ignored it and made excuses for him.


Pastor Paris

-- Anonymous, June 02, 2001

President Bush can not control (Jenna and Barbara underage drinking) his own house, what makes us think that he can lead a nation? He has DUI's on his driving record, selected a high school graduate as his senior advisor (Carl Rove) and has missing years of his life like Jesus. I simple do not see the high moral values of this man....


-- Anonymous, June 03, 2001

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