How do you root grape vines? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I have three muscadine vines that were given to us by my uncle. They have wonderful fruit! Sweet,large and the only pest is the deer! I want to root a vine from each one. When should I do the cutting? What part of the vine should I take? I rooted a seedless grape vine last fall, by cutting 4 pcs. off and dipped each pc. in Root Toner--(only one lived). When I pruned these vines, I tried to use the whips for rooting but not one lived. I know there is a better way. Thank you Debbie

-- Debbie T in N.C. (, May 26, 2001


Debbie: Try staking a long vine on the ground and pile some dirt over every third or fourth bud. When they root, cut them loose from the vine and transplant. Concords will root reliably this way. I have no direct experience with Muscadine but it's worth a try. Good luck!

-- Frank Hill (, May 26, 2001.

Deb; take any portion of vine that has the solid wood and the soft green area also. Put the wood end into good soil and keep it moist in partial or filtered sunlight. Feed it very sparingly until leaves and roots form, then plant it where you want it to grow. Form it to a trellace; this fall trim it back before cold weather by removing anything pencil size or less. New spring you will have grapes where you trimed and all the little birds and insects will have enough to eat!

-- mitch hearn (, May 26, 2001.

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