"Is there any freeware that can make a VCD out of MPEG Files"

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I am a novice...please help me to make a VCD from MPEG files. I wonder what is a DAT file. Is it really a MPEG file? How a MPEG file can be converted into .DAT file. I have a HP 8200 CD Writer and I use the ADAPTEC Software coming along with it. I did not see any option in it leading to making VCDs. When I explored VCDs, I used to see several folders apart from the MPGAV folder. How are they created? Or will the VCD Creating software itself will do the job? WHICH IS THE FREEWARE THAT I CAN MAKE A VCD OUT OF MPEG FILES, so that I can play it on my JVC VCD player ? Please guide me.

-- Adv. Ranjith Xavier (ranjithxavier@hotmail.com), May 25, 2001


you can find all answers and freeware software links for software on this link - http://lvcd.8m.com hope to help you

-- Lvcd-vcd webmaster (lvcd@lvcd.8m.com), May 29, 2001.

if that don't work try www.vcdhelp.com

-- ADROCK (rosrooster@usinternet.com), November 25, 2002.

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