What accesories

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Camera Equipment : One Thread

I have just bought a camera eos5 with EF 35-105mm lense. Type of photography that I like are landscape, insects, flowers and bird watching. Can you suggest what are the accesories that I have to buy.

-- NORDIN mohamadin (atah100@yahoo.com), May 24, 2001


The lens you have should work for landscapes, although you might want something wider at times (20, 24 or 28mm). Depending on how close you want get to the flowers, it might work for that too.

For the insects you will want someting with real macro capabilities. Either a real macro lens (not a zoom with "macro", they aren't real), or just use close-up lenses that fit your 35-105mm. That wont be a good as the real thing, but it might be good eough to satisfy you.

I would also bring along a folding reflector/shade for lighting/shadowing the small stuff.

Birds are a different thing entirely. You need a long lens that focuses fast for that. At least a 400mm. The good ones aren't cheap though.

You might want to look at: http://bobatkins.com/photography/tutorials/guide2.html

-- Jim Strutz (jimstrutz@juno.com), May 25, 2001.

Tripod; you'll need one for both landscape and macro photography.

-- Hoyin Lee (leehoyin@hutchcity.com), May 25, 2001.

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