Update On Fridge Eggs (Before setting)greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I had reported that eggs that were in the fridge hatched last week while under a hen. 7 chicks, 6 different colors. The eggs had been in the fridge 4-5 days, some were sitting point up, and I hadn't turned them. After all, these eggs were destined for eating. The eggs were bantam Cochin/Standard OEG.On that same day, I also gave two fridge guinea eggs to a hen. Earlier today I looked under the hen and there was a baby. Tonight, I checked again. The other egg hatched. So, folks, it's been quite an exciting experiment and I will now always store eggs in the fridge.
-- ~Rogo (rogo2020@yahoo.com), May 24, 2001
Thanks for the update! I'll try it on my next batch!
-- Jennifer (oortiz@tstar.net), May 26, 2001.