High energy costs, Consumers & Homesteadersgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
If you look at the 20% - 30% increase in gasoline prices and notice that there is "No shortage,No long lines" like in the 70's, it is because fuel is owned & controlled by a few and given to many at what ever and whenever they so desire to. The energy co's also are getting to be that way also. What I think is if consumer's don't like all these high prices then I believe it is in their best interest for them to now start and help promote small farms/homesteading, because when AG becomes completely controlled by only a few, the cost of food will be the same way.
-- TomK (tjk@cac.net), May 22, 2001
You got it! Pretty scary huh. And there's practically a conspiracy going on to keep you from being self sufficient. And to think, this country started as an agrarian society. Just wait til they finish genetically engineering all the fertility out of crops and the only place to get seeds is from ADM.
-- carter (chucky@usit.net), May 22, 2001.
Just a note to add, I bought gas for $1.73 this morning and 45 minutes later it was $1.93. same gas in the ground,no delivery, just that the OIL CO'S decided it was time to raise gas 20¢ for the holiday.
-- TomK (tjk@cac.net), May 23, 2001.
We should be so lucky... Course - then they'd get us on the taxes cause property prices would sky-rocket, lol!!I read this 'letter to the editor' from some guy out here about two weeks ago - final straw in quitting reading the local paper, cause the collective stupidity of humanity angers me much more than it used to... Having a hard time laughing at it these days...
Anyway - he said that he was d****d if he'd conserve energy. He says everyone should not only continue to use what they already do, but to use MORE!! Says that there is no shortage, and that rolling black-outs accross the Nation would be a good thing! He went so far as to say that the American way of life was a God-given right!!! Sorry - but there isn't anything remotely Godly about rape, plunder and pillage... And, that we shouldn't have to conserve anything, that we should punish OPEC (not a half bad idea, there, lol), etc etc.
Now, of course, he COULD be right - in a really sickening sort of way... Rolling blackouts Nationwide would PERHAPS, if we were really really REALLY lucky, cause people to stand together and do something intelligent.... I doubt it.
I wonder... He's not going to conserve, so he's willing to pay the high prices??? I don't get the logic...
-- Sue Diederich (willow666@rocketmail.com), May 23, 2001.
What you describe has already occured. I saw a special that showed that many of the shortages of WWII here in the U.S. that were addressed with rationing were engineered to make the citizen at home feel more involved in the war effort and give a feel of unity. Many school food subsidies were from federal food stores that occured from "rationing".
-- Jay Blair in N. AL (jayblair678@yahoo.com), May 24, 2001.