Why does coffee taste better in the AM? DR. SCIENCE SPLAINS IT ALL FOR YOU

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Poole's Roost II : One Thread

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Dear Doctor Science, Why does coffee smell and taste so much better in the morning than it does in the afternoon?

-- Rick Zollo from Finland, MN

Two reasons. The first is psychological. Coffee is the most co-dependent bean there is. Having little internal integrity, it becomes what it senses you want it to be. By afternoon it tires of warping itself to meet your expectations, and lashes out in a passive/aggressive display of displaced hostility, usually targeted to Type A personalities. The second reason is that by afternoon, that pot of java that's been on the burner since 10 AM smells and tastes like used motor oil. In fact, many third world countries use overcooked coffee for that very purpose.

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-- Anonymous, May 22, 2001

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