Downloadable Art Deco images? : LUSENET : Art Deco Society of Washington : One Thread |
Hello! I am trying to design a letterhead on my iMac which incorporates an approx. 2"x2" image of a ziggaurat, a Miami Beach hotel facade, or similar Art Deco / Streamline image. Does anyone know where such might be available? (The logo for the ADSW would be ideal, but I imagine it is copyrighted.) Thank
-- Brett Ferber (, May 21, 2001
-- Know No (,), January 20, 2002.
-- LOGO (BRETTLOGO@YAHOO.COM), January 22, 2002.
-- Annie Frankin (, March 13, 2002.
Yes, absolutely. I am an artist with a distintive Art Desco style. I can create an original logo design for you and you wouldn't have to wirry about copyright laws.
-- Robert Jaffe (, May 24, 2002.