analinp 2q : LUSENET : MARP Editors : One Thread

Are Anlinp Speed reports reporing correctly? It says 3403 frames average 101% speed, but in a later report it says 3624 frames were 93%. This seems strange, I had IE up with marp, GetRight, and Windows explorer on win98 running at the time of this recording.

analinp -i -S losttomb_101900.inp

Analinp Version 2q

1 slow frame (average speed: 0%)
3403 good frames (average speed: 101%)
12 slow frames (average speed: 75%)
52260 good frames (average speed: 100%)

-------- analinp Report --------
p = 3 f = 4
Bit# frames:on/off Presses BPresses Bursts highVar LowVar Speed%
p = 10 f = 9
Bit# frames:on/off Presses BPresses Bursts highVar LowVar Speed%

-------- End Of analinp Report --------

Number of frames in this recording: 55676

-------- InpSpeed Report --------
Good frames : 55663 (average speed: 100%)
Slow frames : 13 (average speed: 69%)
Fast frames : 0 (average speed: 0%)

Total frames: 55676 (average speed: 100%)

0%: 1 time
75%: 12 times
93%: 3624 times
100%: 175 times
101%: 51852 times
102%: 12 times
-------- End Of InpSpeed Report --------

-------- InpHisto Report --------

-- Anonymous, May 19, 2001


It looks fine to me...

(1*0 + 12*75 + 3624*93 + 175*100 + 51852*101 + 12*102) / 55676 = 100.47% for the overall speed.

And for the first part, let's say the 3403 frames were all 101%. So we have 1 frame of 0%, 3403 frames all of 101%, 12 frames of 75%, and, for the final 52260 frames we would have:

(3624*93 + 175*100 + (51852-3403)*101 + 12*102) / 52260 = 100.44%.

Cheers, Ben Jos.

-- Anonymous, May 20, 2001

As for Princess Silver's msword recording, no, analinp 2q does NOT "do" win37b9tg2 recordings. I never said it did. A speed checker for non-analogue games recorded with win37b9tg2 is pretty easy, but to make it do analogue games as well requires a lot of work, despite the fact that analinp can do analogue games recorded with any other version of MAME.

Anyway... here are the speeds for Princess Silver's msword recording:

 Input file: "msword.inp"
      1 slow frame  (average speed:   0%)
     80 good frames (average speed: 100%)
    312 fast frames (average speed: 294%)
     24 good frames (average speed: 100%)
    336 fast frames (average speed: 302%)
  16512 good frames (average speed: 100%)
     12 slow frames (average speed:  79%)
  32724 good frames (average speed: 100%)
     12 slow frames (average speed:  79%)
  70224 good frames (average speed: 100%)
     12 slow frames (average speed:  84%)
   2268 good frames (average speed: 100%)
     12 slow frames (average speed:  89%)
   4620 good frames (average speed: 100%)
     12 slow frames (average speed:  88%)
   2592 good frames (average speed: 100%)
     12 slow frames (average speed:  86%)
  19788 good frames (average speed: 100%)

Good frames : 148832 (average speed: 100%) Slow frames : 73 (average speed: 83%) Fast frames : 648 (average speed: 298%)

Total frames: 149553 (average speed: 101%)

0%: 1 times 79%: 24 times 84%: 12 times 86%: 12 times 88%: 12 times 89%: 12 times 90%: 24 times 91%: 36 times 92%: 36 times 93%: 36 times 94%: 48 times 95%: 24 times 96%: 48 times 97%: 168 times 98%: 252 times 99%: 480 times 100%: 147680 times 111%: 12 times 182%: 12 times 243%: 12 times 296%: 12 times 297%: 12 times 299%: 12 times 300%: 12 times 302%: 12 times 303%: 48 times 304%: 96 times 305%: 96 times 306%: 132 times 307%: 36 times 308%: 120 times 309%: 12 times 313%: 12 times

Cheers, Ben Jos.

-- Anonymous, May 20, 2001

Yep, i guess the average seems ok, but it looked strange when it says 3403 "good" frames that averaged 101 and then you see 3000 93% frames, i forgot that the top report is syncronous and the bottom one is a total. so there really weren't 3000 93% frames in the 3403 "good" frames, there were probably a small amount which is why it does average to 101...

-- Anonymous, May 20, 2001

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