to play mpegs on a dvd player : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

hi i got a dazzle dvc & a burner with nero5.i can capture a film editi but the prob is when it is burnt it will not play on my dvd it plays on my this due to it being the wrong mpeg or the format i use with nero (video-cd or svideo-cd)or is it the formt that i save the mpeg as

-- antony byrne (, May 12, 2001


Hi Anthony...yeah I use Dazzle...and adaptec, actually. Nope, those VCDs you burn onto CDR won't play on your need to get a DVD player that supports CD-R...there's a nice one by's about $300.00 CDN...that's what I'm I hear where you're coming from, dude!

-- Richard Landon (, July 13, 2001.

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