Do you have any idea...? : LUSENET : Camp Lutherhaven : One Thread

WOW!!! Do you have any idea how stinkin' happy I am that people are posting messages on this page???!!! I have checked it once in a while throughout the year and I guess I just didn't think to post anything myself. WOW!! How happy am I that I will be able to spend yet another amazing, Spirit filled, rock your face off, bite your scalp off, rock'em, sock'em summer with all kinds of wonderful, crazy people at camp this summer!! I truly am looking forward to it. GOD HAS SOME AMAZING PLANS FOR THIS SUMMER! GOD IS GOOD!! Pwaise Jesus! Can I ask when the staff retreat is??

-- alissa nyholm (, May 10, 2001


If I was a good little responsible counselor I would have read through all my papers before I asked that question. I figured it out July 21st. Fun times!

-- alissa nyholm (, May 15, 2001.

Hi Alissa, and everyone who will be at camp this summer! I am equally excited to serve God and get to know all the campers and staff! What an AWESOME summer this is going to be. Woohoo!! I am praying for all of you, and I will see you on June 5th! Yay! Romans 12:2 :)

-- Celeste Montre (, May 16, 2001.

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