arthroscopic surgery recovery for runners : LUSENET : Fitness, Exercise, Sports Injury Recovery : One Thread

I am going in for arthroscopic surgery tomorrow. I have run the Chicago marathon the last two years in a row. I want to run the Chicago marathon this year (first Sunday in October). How long do I have to wait to resume running after surgery? How long does is take to heal? I am ready to run.

John McGill

-- john mcGill (, May 09, 2001


I just had the surgury on Friday. Two days later, I have a lot of swelling. I just called the doctor and he told me to keep on with the ice and even take Ibuprofen. They pulled a 2 inch piece of cartilage for me and they didn't replace it with anything. The surgeon told me after the surgury that the knee will be as good as new. We shall see. As for your running, I think that it all depends on what they needed to do and how much. They really do not know the sevearity of the injury until after they put the scope in there.

So, since you had the surgury by now. What is your prognosis. Looking good?


-- Greg Bikofsky (, July 08, 2001.

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