What are you anticipating?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Blowing Bubbles : One Thread

What are you anticipating more than anything right now? In 3 months i may be anticipating the end of school if i'm swamped with work, but right now i just can't control my excitement and i want to start ASAP.

-- Sherry (sherina@masc.ca), May 08, 2001


Heh, Money !

Yes, all these firms and people confirmed and promised they'll need to refund me because they've been too demanding in the past. Electricity, Federal Taxes, Home Ownership Registration, they all owe me... Get paying allright people !

How odd that your account is deducted by the 5th of the month when the Electric company needs money from you, but how we are 9th right now and they still haven't paid when it is their turn to refund...



-- Wim (wvanoudenhove@ip-globalnet.com), May 09, 2001.

CHOCOLATE! I'm at the cottage right now (northern Ontario, Canada), and we forgot to bring up anything chocolate. So I've been without chocolate for nearly two weeks, and anticipating the taste of chocolate when I get back. :-)

-- Debbie Ridpath Ohi (ohi@electricpenguin.com), May 09, 2001.

I am anticipating the completion, for this year, the work in my garden. I moved into a new home in December when everyting was snow covered. Now I see how much work I have to do to have it `my way`. The previous owners loved tomatoes and have too much garden! I am reshaping, removing a shed, and adding rose bushes, peonies bushes, and Sherry you will appreciate this --- a permanent location for my BBQ, as in a brick structure! That is what I am anticipating. All work except the BBQ should be done in 3-4 weeks!

-- rob (robmail@ottawa.com), May 10, 2001.

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