How can i convert MPEG2 VIDEO to MPEG3 VIDEO? : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I have so many videos in MPEG2 format, which take up a lot of space on my Hard Disk. I want to convert all the videos of mine into MPEG3 Video format so that i can have some free space on my system. I find so many mp3 video Cd's but i could never find a converter for doing that . If you have any information regarding this PLEASE HELP ME?

-- Mohammed Nasir (, May 08, 2001


bhai jaan, please send me the software which could convert avi format into mpeg1 format/mpeg2 format. also send me the information about the convertor card. thank you

-- pankaj (, May 08, 2001.

To Mohammed Nasir: you are mixing things up. MP3 is Layer-3 AUDIO only and is part of the MPEG-1 specification. A typical MPEG-1 stream can be *.mpg. Separated into video and audio streams, the video stream can be *.mpv, and the audio either of the following: *.mpa, *.mp2, or *.mp3. The White Book VCD spec dictates a bitrate of 224kb/s for the audio stream, which provides subjectively very good audio. It still sounds good at between 128kb/s and 192kb/s, which is one reason why the *.mp3 audio format is very popular, and is likely the contents of the CDs that you are talking about. There is NO MPEG- 3 format as such because the people involved in the standards found that since specs were common to MPEG-4, they decided to fold MPEG-3 specs together with MPEG-4. If the videos you have are really MPEG-2 (how did you know they were MPEG-2??) maybe you can convert them to MPEG-1 to save space. But why worry about space? Western Digital's newest 80GB UltraATA100 7200rpm hard disk drive WD800BB is now available at very good prices.

-- Mehmet Tekdemir (, May 09, 2001.

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