significance of verses in La Charme : LUSENET : Boris Vian : One Thread

In La Charme there is a reference to spoons scraping on the plates of soup and the eyes of the soup. The eyes of the coup are referring to the fat globules that float on top. But why the inclusion in this poem. Also I cannot fiqure out what the happy blond childing fishing for alligators has to do with the rest of the poem. Anyone else ever wonder the same thing ????

-- Anthony Wayne Keefer (, May 04, 2001


The happy blond childing fishing for alligators would be a reference to his wild and unrestrained childhood - which you can sense in Heartsnatcher, normal play was dangerous for Vian (or so he was repeatedly told) because of hishear condition. This encouraged his recklessness.


-- Robert Whyte (, June 18, 2002.

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