How can I prevent insects from biting sheep and getting in eyes : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

We have had unusually warm weather here in New York State, the trees don't even have leave open yet for shade. My sheep are refusing to leave the barn for the pasture as the bugs are biting terribly.So they are not eating much. And to make it worse, I found today my first case of pinkeye, which I'm sure is related to the bug bites. What can I put on their faces and around their tails where there is exposed skin, to deter the bugs?

-- Kate henderson (, May 03, 2001


We use an automatic insect spray dispenser. It is battery operated and sprays a 10 second blast of spray every 15 minutes, 24 hours a day for 30 days, before you change the can. This prevents almost all insects in the barn. We paid $45 for the dispenser and $9 per can of spray. It's the same dispensers you see in restrooms that spray scents. We purchased it at our local feed store, but I'm sure NASCO would have them also.

-- David in NH (, May 03, 2001.

It's a long term solution, but we don't dock tails. The sheep use their tails purely for this purpose. With our first sheep we hated to see all the delicate exposed skin covered in mosquitos and flies. With tails left on, you have to keep the rear ends clean and trimmed as a precaution against maggots. This is only necessary when they get scours.

-- David C (, May 03, 2001.

Try diluting horse fly spray and spraying sheep with it, there is suposed to be a new natural fly spray which is suposed to work good[ unlike most natural ones which dont] i think its called either clack, or clap, something like that.ok i looked it up it is called clac 86.

-- kathy h (, May 04, 2001.

Be very careful with the pour ons. We used on that said for cattle or sheep. You pour down the spinal cord. I dump the wool this year because the insecticide burned the wool and turned it from white to black. That was last year that I used the pour on and since I sheared last week it will be normal again. Now for the horse spray, it worked a couple of summers ago (should of used it last year) I would dilute it maybe. I did both with good results.

-- Debbie (, May 04, 2001.

I don't know anything about sheep, but my friend spreads a kind of larva that kills flies about twice a year. Keeps the flies down around her horses. I use DE (diatomaceous earth) around the house and dog kennels - works pretty good and no chemicals to worry about. Pretty cheap too.

-- Linda Al-Sangar (, May 09, 2001.

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