Sources for Carbon Body Pieces (bcar76) : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

The best source would be from a dealer. They can get ORO parts for your Strada. You can also contact Fast By Ferracci they are the US importers and can also get ORO parts.
Here are 2 aftermarket sources: Casoli Moto QB Carbon
Both are based in the UK, but Ducati Manhattan imports Casoli parts.

-- mod (, April 30, 2001


Dear Sir. I operate a small company here in the U.K. producing top quality products for the MV AGUSTA in carbon-fibre. At present our carbon mastercylinder caps are of a twill weave and are £25 + p+p. I have a brochure available its free. contact me on : Biketech Racing, 17 Chiltern Avenue, Redcar, Cleveland, England, U.K., Ts10 4AL. Tel: ( 01642 ) 477983, ( 07968 ) 683823. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Mr. C. Holliday. Proprietor

-- Chris Holliday (, October 02, 2002.

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