Alternative Photographers Wanted : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread

I am studying Contemporary Photography in The Netherlands this fall as part of a Semester Abroad program. I am interesting in learning about the newer processes used in the darkroom and in taking and displaying black and white photographs. I am wondering if there are any photographers from The Netherlands who I can get in contact with to interview or shadow? I am also wondering if anyone has any advice on where to go, such as museums, to research? Any advice will be appreciated.

-- Alison Kulas (, April 27, 2001


You are not mentioning in which part of the Netherlands you will be staying and whether or not you speak Dutch. Eventhough most Dutch people speak very good English, work tends to be conducted in Dutch.

The Netherlands are located very close to many of the artistic centres in Europe and you can travel by car or train to most locations in Europe. Paris is 500km from Amsterdam, London is about the same and Berlin is about 700km. Amsterdam, and other Dutch cities have some very good museums and galleries, but the exhibits may vary and not include much photography when you are there. Take a look at to see what's happenning in The Netherlands and to get a perspective on what life here is like.

-- Haim Toeg (, April 29, 2001.

You might want to email Jon Grepstad . He is in Norway and into pinhole and alternative photography. He might be able to help you.

-- Jackie Poutasse (, April 29, 2001.

Sorry...his email address is

-- Jackie Poutasse (, April 29, 2001.

Alison, I am based in the Netherlands and if you will be more specific I can provide you with some information, so , get in touch with my me either on my private address or on the forum, I will try to advise you to the best of my ability. Take care

-- Andrea Milano (, May 02, 2001.

Better go to the alternative photography list to ask this question. I know several photographers based in the Netherlands are subscribed to it, it seems best to me if they answer themselves. The list info you find on the following website (search/look for "alternative photography mailing list):

I live in Berlin, Germany, and I am practicing alternative processes. If i can be of any further help, let me know.


-- Lukas Werth (, May 05, 2001.

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