Apricot varieties that will thrive in poor drainage (Orchard)

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I would like to know of a variety/source for an apricot that will survive in soil that has a layer of clay about 18 inches down and therefore has poor drainage--high water table--during our winter rainy season (Willamette Valley Oregon, Zone 6). A couple times I have tried grafted stock, and also have tried primitive Manchurian apricot stock. None has done well--most have died. Apples do fine. Neighbor next door with same soil problem has a couple stone fruit (plum and peach) trees which also grow well. It's a puzzle. Anyone have any ideas (varieties or growing techniques) that might work?

-- Jim Cox (jimcoxlaw@juno.com), April 27, 2001


cant think of a variety which might do well but to break up the clay and help drainage I would plant some deep rooted cover crops for a season, to open clay and add organic matter, maybe rye grass?

-- kathy h (ckhart55@earthlink.net), May 04, 2001.

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