Duck and Turkey Eggs (How Much to Charge for Them?) (Poultry - General) : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Hi Good Folks,

We have the chance to sell some of our white peking duck and turkey eggs to a local health food store. Any idea what we should charge for a dozen?


-- Bernd in NC (, April 26, 2001


Here in Baltimore the price for six organic chicken eggs was $1.79 at the supermarket.

We are in a dense subdivision, and may try to raise 2 or 3 ducks wearing mustache/nose glasses disguises.

-- Rick K (, April 29, 2001.

If I want to buy duck eggs for the incubator, they are 4 dollars a dozen, even from the people I know! Duck eggs have always been high here.

-- Cindy in KY (, April 29, 2001.


-- hazem al teineh (, June 20, 2001.

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