SCL/D&S Rwy employee Timetables : LUSENET : ACL and SAL Railroads Historical Society : One Thread

I am trying to find out the frequency that the SCL issued timetables in 1976.I am trying to find out which Raleigh divison timetable was the Durham & Southern Rwy first shown in.Also am seeking a copy of it,ref. a book on the D&S

-- Alan Ashworth (, April 25, 2001


OOPS! Brian is right. Creedmoor.

-- Russell Underwood (, May 01, 2001.

I've noticed where Creedmoor has been spelled "Creedmore" in several referencing posts here on this website. I've also noticed the dual spellings, particularly for Creedmoor Rd (NC Rt 50) in Raleigh, on road signs and in the Raleigh phone book. Was Creedmoor spelled both ways on SAL/SCL timetables?

Brian Crase Creedmoor, NC

-- Brian Crase (, May 01, 2001.

RM/RAL DIV TT #2, Dec 12, 1975 has nothing, other than Durham to Creedmore, NC. You may have it Doug...

-- Russell Underwood (, April 27, 2001.

I've got a gap in my timetable collection, but the earliest I have is the fall 1976 combined Ral/Rmt with the D&S. I'll keep digging.

-- Doug Riddell (, April 26, 2001.

Don't know that it was THE first, but SCL Timetable No. 2 effective `12:01 AM April 27, 1980 covers Rocky Mount and Raleigh Divisions, part of the Abbeville Subdivision PLUS the D&S Railway. Timetable No. 2 shows tonnage ratings, special instructions and public and private sidings for the D&S.

-- Harry Bundy (, April 26, 2001.

SCL issued new timetables whenever Amtrak changed passenger train schedules, usually with the change to and from Daylight Saving Time in the spring and fall. I have a copy of each timetable for the Raleigh and Rocky Mount (and subsequently the Florence) Divisions under which I worked from the time I was hired in 1977. I also have a good selection of previouisly issued ones going back to and prior to the merger that formed SCL. I will check and see if I can answer that specific part of your question. Now, I have one for you. Are you related to the [late] Alan Ashworth, a SCL conductor with whom I worked out of Richmond early in my days at SCL?

-- Doug Riddell (, April 26, 2001.

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