Alignment problem with used Omega D-5 : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread

A couple of months ago I purchased a used Omega D-5 enlarger. I haven't had a lot of time to play with it yet, and I'm still accumulating the necessary accessories to begin printing with it. However, I do know that the silver cylinder that houses the condensers does not even come close to sitting flush on the negative stage. Can anyone tell me how fix this so I don't have major light leaks? Is there one screw or knob, or a set of screws or knobs, that will allow easy alignment of the condenser unit? Or will I have to resort to a rubber mallet? I'd like to get printing as soon as I can.

Thanks for any insight.


-- Dan Blair (, April 24, 2001


Dan: The nuts under the knurled knobs where the arms that lift the head attach to the light chamber are concentric. There should be allen screws into the nuts to hold them in place. Loosen the allen screws and turn the nuts to align the light chamber head onto the negative stage. I never did get mine perfect. I got a strip of rubber sealer with stick tape attached at the home center and made a soft band around mine to stop the light.


-- Doug Paramore (, April 24, 2001.

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