apricot flavor: freestone or not? (Orchard)

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

It seems that non-freestone apricots are still more popular than freestone.

It seems eating freestong apricots has always been more enjoyable to me. Plus canning/drying is so much easier.

Why do the catalogs list more non-freestone apricots than freetone? Is there a big flavor difference?

-- Paul Wheaton (paul@javaranch.com), April 23, 2001


I don't know about apricots, but with peaches there is a flavor difference. Most people prefer the taste of the non-freestone. Very sweet and juicy. The freestones are definitely better for canning, though.

-- mary, texas (marylgarcia@aol.com), April 24, 2001.

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