Hey, Councelors and Campers, Got Any Postcards?!greenspun.com : LUSENET : Camp Lutherhaven : One Thread |
Hey! I was wondering if any councelors, or anybody, out there could send me some postcards. See, last summer during Leadership camp I started a postcard collection and my goal is to get all of the US and possibly some other countries. I got Tyler W. to send me one from Colorado, but other than that I only have WA, OR, WY, NV, and CA! That means I've got a whole 44 postcards to go! Email me if you think you could "contribute" to my collection. Thanks!ROCK ON!
-- Spiffy Sarah (spiffy_sarah@hotmail.com), April 23, 2001
I can send you a postcard from Wisconsin. Just e-mail me with your address and I will take care of it! Have an awesome day and shine for the Lord (Mattew 5:16)!
-- Casey Miller (caseymariemiller@yahoo.com), April 26, 2001.
Sarah you are awesome! i will hook you up with one from my home state, the lone star state, the land of the longhorns, Texas. want me to send it via snail mail to lutherhaven sometime this summer? its all good! Jordan
-- Jordan JB (jordan_boessling@yahoo.com), April 30, 2001.
Sarah I would love to help you out...I'm a flight attendant out in Chicago now and i fly to most of the east coast. So let me know were to send them.
-- Shauna Rose Wood (Rosewood925@aol.com), June 22, 2001.