E10 message in LCD on 67 II

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Pentax 67 SLR : One Thread

I have just bought a 67 II second hand (no manual) and I like it but today after putting 2 rolls in (after fitting new batteries) it came up with E10 in the LCD. The film wasn't finished but it wouldn't take any more photos but it did let me wind it on so I could get the film out. Do I take it straight back from whence it came whilst the warranty still applies, get it sorted or is it me doing something silly.

-- Bob Peak (bob@rjpeak.demon.co.uk), April 21, 2001



According to the wondfully vague manual, "Any error message where the first digit after the 'E' is a 1 or 3, irrespective of the second digit (in your case, 0), this indicates a mechanical breakdown and should be taken to your authorized Pentax repair center."

In short, it sounds like you should bring it back. I does not say what the problem might be, so I can't help you there. Good luck.


-- Scott Laughlin (scottlaughlin@mindspring.com), April 22, 2001.

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