The Power of Love : LUSENET : Beyond the Sidewalks : One Thread

All during chores this morning I have been thinking about why this forum is the first thing I read in the morning since Jim started it. What is it that we have in common that makes it so "special". We are from a very wide variety of spiritual, geographic, and perhaps even political backgrounds. I know respect is part of it, but from the posts I think each in our own way have a strong sense of the power of love. We may not all label it quite the same, but I think that might be it. Perhaps it takes a recognition of that (I can't remember what you call it) spot inside us where we know we are all one. I had never heard that particular word before this forum, but had felt it in my life. Anyway, I am grateful for this experience, being here and feeling a bond with so many people I have never met face to face. If some one had told me 16 months ago when I first got my computer and started lurking at CS that I would be participating at this level, I would have thought they were crazy. Love and blessings to all and hope you all have a great weekend.

-- Anonymous, April 21, 2001


Diane: One thing I noticed thats absent from sidewalks is fear. Everyone seems alot more willing to post from the heart! Betcha without the fear there is LOVE. At CS I probably posted about half what I felt simply from fear of arguments. To my shame I should have been a lot more supportive of the people I agreed with but it felt like whoever screamed the loudest was a winner! I Got tired of it. This forum is everything I wanted CS to be. Personalities are forming here. We can trust each other. I will make a promise that I won't trash anyone and if I hurt someones feelings they can expect an appoligy....With Love ....Kirk

-- Anonymous, April 21, 2001

Yah, this is the only place that I even go to anymore when I sit down to the computer, I do my e-mail, download from napster, and come here. Unless I am looking something specific up. I feel like this place is like a home away from home. Sometimes I wonder what it would be like if we were all face to face, it's kind of interesting to imagine. I think that one of the things that makes this place so great is the fact that nobody jumps on any body for having different views. We all seem to tolerate the differences. And nobody has the mind frame of " my way is the only way"

Once I posted on the countryside forum trying to help some one who had sick children, someone came on and said that they were hoping that they wouldn't see that advice on there because it was very dangerous, boy did that really make me back down, it really hurt, made me feel like I was stupid and trying to injure someone. I talked on the chat one time with a lady who said the same thing happened to her when she contributed on the livestock discussions, so many people would come on like know it alls, and run down every one else's idea's. That's not happening here and that is so wonderful.

Diane , you have a good weekend too. I'm glad that we all found each other. Love Tren

-- Anonymous, April 21, 2001

CS, way back when, (3-4 yrs ago?) when I first found it, was like this too but somewhat less personal or philosophical, always more topical(homesteading) and consistantly helpful and respectful.

Kirk: Amen!!! I had a spiritual awakening many years ago that was like something out of the OT. The short version of the story is GOD told me in a big, thunderous voice that "Satan is the fear of Love." If God is love then it would seem there are two primal forces at work in our lives. Fear and LOVE. We choose----

-- Anonymous, April 21, 2001

We couldn't agree more. We get a great sense of community from the forum, even though it spans the whole country. We love our small farm, our animals, the seasons, the beauty of nature around us, and feel that like-minded people are right here on this forum. We don't even get this feeling from most of our neighbors! It's exciting to be involved in something that is so young and so positive.

The more we go back to Countryside, the more we see the difference. We have been trying really hard not to get down on CS over the last few weeks, kind of not wanting to start a deluge, maybe. Our latest experience speaks for itself (look at "Lost cow and calf on birthing"). We sent an overly heated response that we would never submit here! We can sympathize with Trendle's experience, we have felt this way may times. We submitted a heartfelt and constructive (we thought) post on CS just recently to explain that we were upset with the negativity and would be spending much less time and energy there - it was deleted!

We often wonder how many of the current participants in CS even read Countryside, and have the homesteading ideal that the magazine represents. It was not like this when the forum was first started. We feel deeply indebted to Jim for being the one to start fresh and make the good feeling return.

-- Anonymous, April 21, 2001

I agree with everyone. Even though I'm mostly a "lurker", I feel a kinship with the folks on this forum. I also check in often to see what folks are up to, and appreciate the open minds and respect here. I've been reading CS for 5 yrs., but have only gotten a computer and found the forum in the last few months. I must admit I was surprised by what was happening on the CS forum. I also wonder how many read CS and are homesteaders. Thank you all for sharing from the heart, and have a wonderful Earth Day.


-- Anonymous, April 22, 2001

"We have nothing to fear, but fear itself" - [FDR]

I agree with Kirk and others about fear. Especially the power of fear. After reviewing the other thread about forum splitting, I don't think it's such a bad thing. It is the ebb and flow of attitudes, perceptions hopes and fears. But somewhere along the line, the word "tolerance" took it on the chin. Or, to put it more delicately, got kicked in the groin.

The battle lines have been drawn between tolerant and intolerant people. Respect got the ol' heave-ho. What I find so ironic is that intolerant people tolerate other self-proclaimed intolerant people. The buzz word used to be "secular humanism", but too many people got tongue-tied trying to pronounce it.

IMHO, if there is a common thread that ties, tolerance and intolerance, love and fear together, it is TIME. It takes time to learn love and respect. It takes time to overcome fear. And time is one commodity our warp-speed-instant-gratification culture has in short supply. Wait! Check that! We have an abundant supply of time, but prefer to squirt water in our mouths from a bottle of quick answers instead of stopping to drink from the well of quiet reflection.

The best think about web-based forums is that they are instantaneous. The worst thing about web-based forums is that they are instantaneous.

And I "fear" this post may become too long and rambling. :)


-- Anonymous, April 22, 2001

"All you need is love, love...Love is all you need." Beatles.

Diane, thank you for this post.

-- Anonymous, April 22, 2001

First of all--Happy Earth Day to All! Then I'd like to say that I agree wth everyone who has posted here so far. Awhile ago on CS, I answered a question about colostrum in a dairy goat and I felt really bad about the argument that my answer caused. I thought that I was just contributing my opinion and maybe some help...but guess not!! Makes me think twice about responding on CS and I've been a subscriber for over 20 yrs. But here I feel more comfortable about "talking".Wish I could spend more time here, but we have a home business and this phone is only available after 5 pm. But, anyways, thanks Diane for this post!!!

-- Anonymous, April 22, 2001

Craig - this is my thought.We are a generation awash in knowledge,but lacking wisdom.

-- Anonymous, April 22, 2001

Sharon thats perfect!!! I'm thinking about using that in later posts and pretending I said it first!!! Kidding of course!!!! ......Kirk

-- Anonymous, April 23, 2001

Sharon, you are absolutely right! I've made the same observation but never put it into words. I just can't help but wonder what will become of the human race.

-- Anonymous, April 23, 2001

Kirk-use away.It's not copywritten! I use something Sam told me on Nick.When I'm sitting around and just being lazy,I tell him I'm thinking!

Well,I think we lack wisdom bc we don't spend enough time growing up around our elders.They have much to teach us,but we lose the oportunity to learn.I grew up down the lane from my pappy and gramma. Gramma was definitely an elder.Everyone turned to her for advice. After raising 11 kids thru the depression,she had learned a thing or two. Her house was my second home. So, I ended up getting really good roots,which I returned to, after a brief "wilding" in early adulthood. I think I grew up under the best possible circumstances, in my opinion.We were hicks without a doubt,but we had solid ground beneath us. I'm who I am bc of her, and my own mother.I live as I do because of their influence. I see that now.Many deny their roots,I embraced them.

I really miss my Gramma,even still. The knowledge base there was irreplaceable. And,like all of us I sure didn't listen enough while she was here. I'm trying to ask alot of question of my mother while she is still alive. Another elder. My thoughts for today.

-- Anonymous, April 23, 2001

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