What job training can we learn from our experiences in church?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : A.M.E. Today Discussion : One Thread

I know this may seem like an odd question, but one of the members in my church has been unemployed for several weeks and it is getting her down. Today I called a Nursing home regarding our church making regular visits to the residence. I also inquired about job openings for my member. I told the Director she was in head usher at our church and that her duties included, greeting and welcoming visitors and members, talking with the congregation and listening, letting me know of special health concerns, family concerns, taking the initiative to present special concerns to the ministerial staff. The Director was so excited for he was looking for an assistant activity director, and all the things I had shared with him was what he needed. She called him and she start work tomorrow. So can you think of any other skills we learn in church that are transferable to the workplace? This might be helpful in working with youth and volunteers. Joy in Christ

-- Anonymous, April 16, 2001


Many of the skills we acquire are Customer Service (Usher, Steward, etc), Bookeeping if you work as part of the finance commission, and social relations/activity management.

-- Anonymous, April 17, 2001

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