Baby Doll and Shetland Sheep : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Hi! Could anyone tell me if there is a source for Babydoll and Shetland sheep in Oklahoma? I have some babydolls now and would love to find more. I spin the wool, and would like to try the Shetland wool. I'm expanding my spinning flock. Any help would be appreciated!!

-- Norma Tillery (, April 16, 2001



I posted a website that might help last week on might try to se if you can find it in the archives under "sheep" and then "babydoll southdown sheep"

Otherwise there is a n organization that I cannot remember the name of at the moment :) about Miniature and toy sheep (if you use a search engine looking for "Babydoll Southdown" you should come up with it.

For the shetland sheep-look for the North American Shetland Sheep Association ( And then at both sites look for some sort of a breeders directory. I am certain that there are at least shetlands close by. I am in Missouri, for example, and am waiting a shetland ewe to lamb this week, and will possibly have a lamb for sale in a few weeks or so. Feel free to email me if you like.

One other hting that may be worth looking into is the Fiber fest in Butler Missouri in June 2,3,4 (a website for that is the Missouri Natural Colored Wool Growers Association

there are also a number of festivals in Tx so depending on whre you are in OK, it might be a days drive or less!

Have fun and I hope this helps!


-- Sarah (, April 16, 2001.

Sarah! Thanks so much for your help! I will try looking on the web sights you have recommended. I live in the western part of Oklahoma. Seems like most sheep people here have never heard of Babydolls and Shetland sheep. The larger meat varieties are more popular here. I like the smaller ones-they are easier to handle. Thanks again!!

-- Norma Tillery (, April 16, 2001.

Denise@Rosewood Enterprises, Thanks for your e-mail!! I didn't have your e-mail address to answer you but I hope you check here. I do live about the farthest away from Missouri that is possible!! What Luck!! I have not had any responses from Oklahoma, but I have found a source for babydoll sheep in southern Kansas. I will keep you in mind if I have no luck closer to home. Thanks again for your help!! Norma

-- Norma (, April 23, 2001.

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