Is there an egg in there? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Is there anyway of telling if a chicken has an egg inside it?
-- Steve Hill (, April 16, 2001
What are you trying to figure out? Chickens begin laying around 5-6 months of age.
-- Pat (, April 16, 2001.
The way we used to tell back on the ole farm: hold chicken in left hand, tail toward right. Measure between pelvic bones with right fingers. Space less than 2 fingers wide, she probably isn't laying at this time. 2 fingers, she is probably laying. 3 fingers, she is the one who lays those double yolkers! Their bones even tend to close up while they molt. If she seems to be a layer, she has several eggs inside her in all stages of development.
-- Cora-Vee Caswell (, April 16, 2001.
Thanks I shall try that now!
-- Steve Hill (, April 16, 2001.
Are you trying to figure out which came first...the chicken or the egg??!! Sorry...couldn't resist that!
-- Marcia (, April 16, 2001.