Southern personnel : LUSENET : Southern Railway : One Thread

If any one has knowledge of where I could find personnel records for the 1915-1919 time frame, I'd be really grateful.. I am trying to locate any information on my grandfather, James Henry Saffold. He worked for Southern when he died in 1919. I do not know what his position was. He was living in Knoxville, Tenn. at the time of death. My only clue was one line in the newspaper giving his employer.

-- Evelyn Saffold White (, April 16, 2001


Evelyn - Given the dates you are interested in, about your only hope is that your grandfather was a union member. Try the United Transportation Union in Cleveland, Ohio. Tel. 1-216-228-0411. There may be a small charge for a search. The UTU records go back to about 1900.

-- Tom Underwood (, April 18, 2001.

Evelyn, You might have better luck finding the kind of information that you want by looking here in Knoxville at the East Tennessee Historical Society. Thye have a lot of excellent resources and good people that kind give you help getting the info. you need. Lots of luck, AEP

-- albert pope (, April 21, 2001.

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