Sick? baby goat : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I have a two day old baby nubian who started to poop what looks like cooked winter squash? It isnt runny but thick soft and bright orange. Any ideas would be much appreciated. I have penecillin if that is what he needs. Thanks so much in advance Nancy

-- Nancy Steele (, April 15, 2001


No need to worry! The little fella has perfectly normal stools and his plumbing is working fine.

-- Chamoisee (, April 15, 2001.

Hi Nancy,

As mentioned in the first response, it sounds normal. Hope this helps.

-- Bernice (, April 15, 2001.

Nancy, Yellow stools are caused by the colostrum and are perfectly normal. They will be followed by black sticky stools the consistency of axel grease for a day or two. After that, they will be more similar to an adult's stools in color and texture, but obviously not quite the same until they start eating roughage.

-- Skip Walton (, April 19, 2001.

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