Monarch combination wood/electric stove : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Does anyone out there know anything about a Monarch wood/electric combination cookstove? I believe it can also burn coal. It was in the old house when we moved. I have tried an internet search for the Monarch name and also anything close and have come up with nil. I e-mailed an antique stove store and got the same - nil. I have used this stove a great deal. It is in good shape. We are going to install an outside wood boiler and I do not know whether I want to sell (value???) or keep the cookstove but just move it. It is a great old stove but it is dirty to use and I will sleep better at night having the fire outside the house.

-- T. Burnash (, April 14, 2001


If it has either a fire brick or cast iron liner and rocking grates it was designed to burn coal or wood. Our's is going on 50 years old still going strong. As far as I know parts are not available but other parts will work such as burners switches thermostats. Jack

-- jack (, April 14, 2001.

Was just at a sight this morning looking for an old wood cookstove. They sell parts also. Can't remember the sight but I use as my search engine and I typed in wood cookstove. It brought up a lot of sights. You also might try Heading back to the country and need to replace my old stove...if you know of anyone who wants to sell one and is near IL, I would be grateful. Good Luck!

-- cordy (,), April 16, 2001.

Let me clarify a bit. I believe we may sell this stove. I have checked many different sites and cannot come up with any specific info. For instance, is the stove considered an antique? What is the fair market value? Are they considered safe? I have some extra parts for it that are new. I have been to Lehman's Store. They do not sell anything close. (Talk about a GREAT place to browse!!!) Thanks for the input, I guess I wasn't detailed enough in my first posting.

-- T. Burnash (, April 16, 2001.

Just for your information, Monarch ranges were made by the Malleable Iron Range Company, in Beaver Dam, Wisconsin, and they went out of business around 1985, I think. At the end, they were making high-quality wood-burning furnaces, and still had some parts available, but not much. The combination wood-electric range was made into the 1970's for sure, and I'm not sure when they quit making them. Jim

-- Jim (, April 16, 2001.

I have a Monarch Wood/Coal/Electric combination stove that's about 50 years old and still going strong. Portland Stove parts in West Linn, Oregon, {(503) 655-3223} has firebox parts for these stoves, new and used. He has other parts, too, but very few electric parts. I bought cast iron parts last year to replace parts that were damaged by a coal fire that was too hot.

Another place to try is Nor-Mon Distributing, Inc. National Monarch Parts Distributor 1134 S.E. Stark St., Portland 97214 Phone: 503-234-6215

I have bought electric parts from them.

-- James Lockman (, September 18, 2001.

subject: monarch combination wood/electric 1929 I think I have the first year the monarch company made the combination stove. we used it in our cabin for years and took it with us when we sold. It is a garage fixture now. It is in excellent condition. don't know what to do with it. I guess I'm waiting for another cabin someday. portland,or

-- reed mcintosh (, February 07, 2002.

My husband and I recently purchased a Monarch Malleable stove. We have no idea how old it is. It does look like it burns wood and has one electric burner. There is a thermoregulator on the side. It has what look to be water circulating pipes in it as well. It is yellow with a dark green cooktop. It is not fancy and the "Monarch Malleable" is in script across the oven door. I know how frustrating it is to find information on this stove. I went to and searched with monarch malleable stove and had a few good hits. There is a parts site which carries parts for the monarch stoves. If anyone has a source of information on the history of these stoves with pictures, I would appreciate your help. We would like to use this stove in our home. Thanks.

-- Jacie Epperson (, March 21, 2002.

I have a Monarch wood/electric cook stove. I need some help with possibly redoing the wiring or check the safety of what I have. Do I need to be concerned about this. Can anyone give me some helpful hints? Please respond if you can be of any assistance.

-- Gordie Twerberg (, March 22, 2002.

I also have a monarch malleable stove, inherited from my grandmother,it is probably 60 to 70 years old I would like more info on this stove. the serial # is316047, style nce19p, pat. #2133184. Does anyone have the history of this co. they were located in beaverdam,wis. for many years. let me hear from you?

-- jack welch (, May 29, 2002.

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