Looking for baby doll sheep breeders in Wisconsin

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Are there any baby doll sheep breeders in Wisconsin/Northern Illinois or Western Iowa? Thanks.

-- Diane M. (tmpdmp@ticon.net), April 11, 2001



Just curious-why the Baby doll sheep? I have heard tha they do have amny problems-especially with birthing. However if you do want this breed, look for an association, and usually the associations have a breeders list.

If you want small sheep there are other breeds that would suit-and I do know of breeders of them in that area. I have Brecknock Hill Cheviots, and shetland-both small and great for wool. (and the ram lambs are still perfectly good for the freezer for a family.)

Good luck!


-- Sarah (heartsongacres@juno.com), April 12, 2001.

Well I did some checking....and while I have spoken to a breeder who was not happy with these sheep, there seem to be many who are. so possibly they are fine.

anyway, I did find a website that has a registry for all kinds of small sheep The registry is called the Minature and Toy Sheep Association...hmmm I think I botched that. anyway the website is this: http://www.toledotel.com/~smokeyvly/Sheep.htm

Ah here is the name of the regsitry: Miniature and Novelty sheep Breeders Association and Registry.

Anyway, they have some pics and other info that should help. And There is also a webpage that listed some of this breed for sale after I did a search on Yahoo. In Ohio, and also one in Michigan.

Have fun!


-- Sarah (heartsongacres@juno.com), April 12, 2001.

Diane; Where in Wisconsin are you located?

-- Lisa (magpie@fsi.net), April 12, 2001.

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