Looking for repertoire suggestions

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Everything About Teaching and Learning the Piano : One Thread

I am looking for repertoire suggestions for an online list I am developing for my pedagogy students (and other teachers who are interested). You can submit suggestions at piano pedagogy plus. Thanks in advance for your input!

-- Jon Ensminger (jlens@cybrzn.com), April 11, 2001


I'd like to suggest that you consider the Warner Bros. series entitled LOONEY TUNES PIANO LIBRARY. I am one of the arrangers in that series and they are LOTS of fun and the students really love the titles and teachers love that the arrangements are pedagogical sound. There are approx. 20 books in the series at all levels (1-4) that match the levels in all major piano method books -- including Alfred, Faber/Faber and Bastein, etc. The series is mixed with a variety of musical genres. They range from light jazz, Broadway, movie titles, pop/rock standards and even some Backstreet Boys, N*SYNC and Britney Spears. The books are also available with fully orchestrated audio CD and MIDI floppy disks. Here is a link to one of the titles:

*** Foghorn Leghorn's Hot Hits *** (http://www.warnerbrospub.com/store/product.asp? upc=ELM01042CD&type=print&mscssid=584V5LW351439GM4UG8U3P4556NJCJV5)

Hope this helps. I'd love any feedback on how you and your students untilized the books. Are there any other types of books you'd like to see available that might assist you with your musical endeavors?

Have a great summer!!! Jerry Ray

P.S. Can you stand just one more "shamless plug"... ? Here's a link to a Christmas CD I arranged and recorded recently that many people/teachers have used as Christmas gifts for students, student awards, friends or family. Hope you enjoy.


( http://cdbaby.com/cd/jerryray )

-- Jerry Ray (mrjray123@aol.com), August 14, 2002.

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