A sincere thank you to Vicki McGaugh (Goats CAE Negative)greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Dear Vicki, I just got back my last CAE test results from Pan American Labs using the colostrum. Every one tested negative, and you wouldn't believe the weight that was lifted off my shoulders. If it weren't for you, I never would have known about this wonderful, easy and inexpensive way to find out. When my last vet went to horse-care only, right before I was scheduled to have the blood drawn, I thought I'd never be able to "be sure" again. Your knowledge, and the fact that you are willing to share that knowledge means the world to me, and I'm sure, to many others on the forum. Thank you, thank you, thank you. If I ever meet you in person I will give you a big hug...no, make that two: one from the "girls", too. Sincerely, Kathie
-- Kathie in Western Washington (twinrosefarm@worldnet.att.net), April 10, 2001
Your very welcome Kathie! A hug back to you! I really don't understand why this method is so poo-pooed in main stream goat breeders. If the virus is not active and being shed in the blood than of course your herd is negative. But you aren't going to fool the colostrum! I love this method and though I do continue with my blood tests, mostly because of selling pressure. I have had it this happen twice here, where previously negative blood tested does, have kidded and had a positive colostrum tests (both does subsequently tested positive on CAE blood tests at WSU). Both does were purchased, both does had previously at their home farms been tested negative.If anyone else would like to use this information you simply send in fresh colostrum. I milk a squirt out of the teat onto the ground, then filling a vacutainer tube (red top test tube) though you can use 10 or 20cc syringes. Label whatever you send and one day mail, no ice needed, to Pan American Labs. 3921 Steck Avenue, Suite A-101 Austin, Texas 78759. I place my 6$ for each test in a ziplock baggie along with all my information, address etc. with "please run this colostrum for CAE".
It is wonderful to get your test results back in your favor! Vicki
-- Vicki McGaugh TX (vickilonesomedoe@hotmail.com), April 11, 2001.