VCD plays for 1m 30s and stops : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Problem: Every time DVD player starts playing VCD, it will stop after a minute and a half!

What I have tried: 1. Using silver, blue, and green-goldish colored CDR's. 2. Also burned the VCDs at 8x, 2x, and 1x and they will play until the same point.

I have an APEX DVD player which playes MP3 CDRs fine. I used Adaptec EZ to create the VCD and it doesn't report any errors. I can play the entire video/data file on my pc off the VCD using WindowsMediaPlayer. (I don't have a DVD drive in my PC) Any suggestions?


-- Michael Nicholas (, April 09, 2001


I experienced the same problem (@1:30 lose sync and get's block) on my Apex with MPG1 files that EZCD would accept but were not (Apex) VCD compliant. The fix was running them through...TMPGEnc's MPG1 VCD templet.

me thinks that Apex is more picky than other DVD players.

-- me (, April 10, 2001.

i have the same problem with my panasonic rd31 (exactly 1m 30s), i've tried all the above also, but i will try tonight using CDRW's and not CDR's

-- richard myers (, August 22, 2001.

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